Petitgrain destilación en Paraguay
El Petitgrain es el extracto natural obtenido por la destilación al vapor de las hojas, de las ramas y de los frutos inmaduros de la naranja amarga (Citrus Aurantium var. Amara) . Generalmente alrededor del 70% del producto empleado en la industria del perfume y de la cosmética procede del Paraguay, donde la materia prima ha desarrollado una considerable adaptabilidad al ambiente paraguayo.
Ambregris History
The ambergris is an initially waxy, soft mass in the intestine of the sperm whale, which it forms after mechanical injury by the horn jaws of squid (Sepia officinalis) and squid (Teuthida), its preferred food. The ambergris serves as an antibiotic wound closure in which the indigestible suture components are embedded.
Petitgrain distillation in Paraguay
Petitgrain is the natural extract obtained from the steam distillation of the leaves, branches and unripe fruits of the bitter orange tree (Citrus Aurantium, var. Amara).Generally about 70% of the product used in the perfume and cosmetics industry comes from Paraguay, where the raw material has developed a remarkable adaptability to the Paraguayan environment.
Extraction Techniques
This article briefly summarizes the main extraction techniques and the relative methods to obtain odors from plants. From the ancient techniques to the most advanced ones of our days.
La distillazione del Petitgrain in Paraguay
Il Petitgrain è l'estratto naturale ricavato dalla distillazione in corrente di vapore delle foglie, rami e frutti non maturi dell'arancio amaro (Citrus Aurantium, var. Amara).
Generalmente circa il 70% del prodotto usato nell'industria del profumo e cosmesi proviene dal Paraguay, dove la materia prima ha sviluppato una notevole adattabilità all' ambiente Paraguayano.
The smell of specific Chemical group
Is a class of compounds recognizable by the smell of chemical groups?
Every class of chemical compounds usually presents a characteristic and recognizable odor. These odors are more perceptible for liquid substances with low molecular weight because they are more volatile.
Le tecniche di Estrazione
Questo articolo raggruppa brevemente le principali tecniche di estrazione ed i relativi metodi per ottenere gli odori dalle piante. Dalle tecniche più antiche sino a quelle più avanzate dei giorni nostri.
Basil Varieties
Included among a large number of different types of BasiI Oils are two which have become particularly common in perfumery and flavor work.
The Rose History
The queen of flowers, source of inspiration for poets, painters, and artists, a symbol of beauty, royalty, youth, and love, the queen of flowers, is part of our palette in two different olfactory qualities, releasing a bewitching multifaceted perfume.
Cedarwoods: an insight
An insight on Cedarwoods (Juniperus Virginiana & Mexicana). Their origin, compositions, and uses.
Come preparare l'Amuchina in casa: la ricetta dell'OMS
Ai tempi del Coronavirus, lavarsi le mani evita che i batteri e germi entrino in contato con la nostra pelle, faccia e bocca. Perché mettiamo le mani ovunque, e per lavarle bene occorre 1 minuto, non 20 secondi.
Quando non ci si può lavare le mani, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità consiglia l’utilizzo di disinfettanti.
The FEMA GRAS program began in 1959 with a survey of the flavor industry to identify flavor ingredients then in use and to provide estimates of the amounts of these substances used to manufacture flavors. The initial FEMA Expert Panel was established in 1960 beginning the Expert Panel’s evaluation of the safety of flavor ingredients that continues today. Then and now, the Expert Panel usually consists of six to eight members and over the years has been comprised of top experts in toxicology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, metabolism, and pathology.
10 Fundamental categories of olfactive perception.
Determined for the first time a range of basic odor on which you can define the perceptive space of what is perhaps the most archaic sense but also more elusive.